Our Mission.
In Recent Years the Foundation Has:
- Supported the renovation with a $50,000 contribution towards completing the purchase of staff furniture and funding the Children's Room mural.
- Continued to grow our endowment. The endowment generates significant interest, which will be available to the library when needed.
- Purchased additional collection materials including books, audiobooks, eBooks, and DVDs
- Paid for the prizes given to teens and adults for summer reading
- Paid for additional children's and adult programs
- Helped start and maintain the new downloadable Freegal collection that allows patrons 5 free downloadable songs a week which they then own.
- Funded the current local history online database.
- Celebrated and recognized library staff during National Library Week (generally held in the second week of April)
- Mobilized library patrons to advocate for full funding of the 2020/21 library renovation and expansion project.
- Thrown a party in March 2020 to say goodbye to the Library before it closed for renovations. (See the article in the Falls Church News Press)
- Created the annual Chet De Long Award for Outstanding Service to the Library (more information below), to recognize a staff person or volunteer who has exemplified Mr. De Long's dedication and generosity.